Wordup CLI
Wordup CLIとは、ローカルで開発したプラグイン/テーマを管理するツールだそうです。https://wordup.dev/
$ npm install -g wordup-cli
$ wordup init
? What's the name of your new project WP10 Project
? What do you want do develop A WordPress plugin
? Scaffold src with the official WordPress boilerplate code Yes
? Homepage of your project (optional)
? Repository URL (optional)
create README.md
create .gitignore
create src/.scaffold
create package.json
> wp10-project@0.1.0 postinstall /Users/wp10-project
> wordup install || true
? Do you want to install WordPress from scratch (New) or install from a local/remote source New
? Title of the WordPress installation WP10 Project
? Admin user hoge
? Admin password (Just for development purposes) fuga
? Admin email wp10@test.ne.jp
今回はHow to useに合わせてACF入れてみました。
? Search public WordPress plugins (leave blank if you dont want to add plugins) advanced custom fields
? Select from the list advanced-custom-fields
? Want to enter another item? No
? Search public WordPress themes (leave blank if you dont want to add themes)
Installing wordup project and connected docker containers (can take some minutes)... ✔
Waiting 10s for the server to boot... ✔
Setting-up WordPress based on your package.json settings... ✔
"WP10 Project" successfully installed. Listening at http://localhost:8000
npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
up to date in 349.113s
found 0 vulnerabilities
├── README.md
├── dist
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── src
├── Gruntfile.js
├── bin
│ └── install-wp-tests.sh
├── package.json
├── phpunit.xml.dist
├── readme.txt
├── tests
│ ├── bootstrap.php
│ └── test-sample.php
└── wp10-project.php
開発したプラグインや、SQL、WordPressのコアなどがエクスポートできるコマンドが用意されています。// プラグイン
$ wordup export src
// SQL
$ wordup export sql
// WordPressコア
$ wordup export installation