Web制作・開発会社 プレスマンのスタッフブログ


Admin Columnsの便利なadd on (part2)


Admin Columns Proで作成した独自カラムに

add onで作成した独自カラムに独自ソートを追加

codepress/ac-column-template: Admin Columns - Column Template


 * --------------------------------------------
 * This column is for the PRO version only.
 * This adds editing and sorting to the column.
 * --------------------------------------------
class ACP_Column_COLUMN_NAME extends AC_Column_COLUMN_NAME
    implements ACP_Column_EditingInterface, ACP_Column_SortingInterface, ACP_Export_Column {
    public function editing() {
        return new ACP_Editing_Model_COLUMN_NAME( $this );
    public function sorting() {
        return new ACP_Sorting_Model_COLUMN_NAME( $this );
    public function export() {
        return new ACP_Export_Model_COLUMN_NAME( $this );
 * Editing class. Adds editing functionality to the column.
class ACP_Editing_Model_COLUMN_NAME extends ACP_Editing_Model {
     * Editing view settings
     * @return array Editable settings
    public function get_view_settings() {
        // available types: text, textarea, media, float, togglable, select, select2_dropdown and select2_tags
        $settings = array(
            'type' => 'text',
        // (Optional) Only applies to type: togglable, select, select2_dropdown and select2_tags
        // $settings['options'] = array( 'value_1', 'value_2', 'etc.' );
        // (Optional) If a selector is provided, editable will be delegated to the specified targets
        // $settings['js']['selector'] = 'a.my-class';
        // (Optional) Only applies to the type 'select2_dropdown'. Populates the available select2 dropdown values through ajax.
        // Ajax callback used is 'get_editable_ajax_options()'.
        // $settings['ajax_populate'] = true;
        return $settings;
     * Saves the value after using inline-edit
     * @param int $id Object ID
     * @param mixed $value Value to be saved
    public function save( $id, $value ) {
        // Store the value that has been entered with inline-edit
        // For example: update_post_meta( $id, '_my_custom_field_example', $value );
 * Sorting class. Adds sorting functionality to the column.
 * ソートする処理を記載するクラス
class ACP_Sorting_Model_COLUMN_NAME extends ACP_Sorting_Model {
     * (Optional) Put all the sorting logic here. You can remove this function if you want to sort by raw value only.
     * ソートする処理
     * @return array
    public function get_sorting_vars() {
        $values = array();
        // Loops through all the available post/user/comment id's
        foreach ( $this->strategy->get_results() as $id ) {
            // Start editing here.
            // Put all the column logic here to retrieve the value you need
            // For example: $value = get_post_meta( $id, '_my_custom_field_example', true );
            $value = $this->column->get_raw_value( $id );
            // Stop editing.
            $values[ $id ] = $value;
        // Sorts the array and return all id's to the main query
        return array(
            'ids' => $this->sort( $values ),
 * Export class. Adds export functionality to the column.
class ACP_Export_Model_COLUMN_NAME extends ACP_Export_Model {
    public function get_value( $id ) {
        // Start editing here.
        // Add the value you would like to be exported.
        // For example: $value = get_post_meta( $id, '_my_custom_field_example', true );
        $value = $this->column->get_raw_value( $id );
        // Stop editing.
        return $value;


 * Sorting class. Adds sorting functionality to the column.
class ACP_Sorting_Model_COLUMN_NAME extends ACP_Sorting_Model {

     * (Optional) Put all the sorting logic here. You can remove this function if you want to sort by raw value only.
     * @return array
    public function get_sorting_vars() {
        $post_ids = [];
        $posts    = get_posts();
        foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
            $post_ids[ $post->ID ] = $post->ID;
        return [
            'ids' => $this->sort( $post_ids ),



